====== T-108 Test set ====== **Test set T-108**; manufactured by [[Autophon|Autophon AG, Solothurn]]. The Autophon test set T-108 is used for maintenance and level measurements on the control units and the on-board communication systems which are part of the SE-407/SE-411 radio stations. {{:images:t-108.jpg?direct&400|T-108}} ===== Technical data ===== * [[Principle]]: Measuring instrument (level measurements) ==== Power supply ==== ==== Dimensions ==== ==== Accessories ==== ===== Operation ===== The T-108 test set is designed for level measurements on the on-board communication system and the control units of the [[SE-407]]/[[SE-411|411]] radios. The set is built into a typical Autophon metal cabinet. ===== Technical principle ===== The test set consists of a 1000 Hz tone generator and an AF voltmeter as well as different switches required for the measurements. ==== Components ==== The set is transistorised, it is equipped with two OC71 and three OC72 transistors. ==== Development ==== The T-108 was developed in 1959/60 to simplify AF level measurements on the [[SE-407]]/[[SE-411]] system with its on-board communication systems. ==== Deployment ==== {{gallery>:images?t-108*.jpg&0&80x80&lightbox&showtitle&titlesort}} ===== Technical documentation ===== * {{ :manuals:autophon-testgeraet-t108.pdf |TestgerÃĪtT-108, Bedienungsanleitung, Revisionsanleitung}} ==== Further information ==== * [[http://armyradio.ch/radio-d/t-108.htm|T-108 on www.armyradio.ch]]